Kingdom Concerns In Medical Practice -- Dr. David Thorrez

Help from the Great PhysicianBefore I go to work, my goal is to always pray and connect with the Lord before I even leave home. In daily prayer, I should remember my co-workers and their needs, my patients and their physical, emotional and spiritual needs including their need for a compassionate ear and excellent care.

Sometimes I’ve had to ask the Lord to help me love a particular patient or parent. Like “Jerry”, a teen, who I had a hard time relating to because of several negative parts of his personality and how they rubbed me the wrong way. After praying for the grace to love him, I found myself genuinely glad to be his doctor and wanting to do everything I could to help him.

There was a time in the last few years when I realized that I was not thinking of my patients as I should. I began to beg the Lord every day to change my heart to be more like His in how I thought of my patients and to give me His love for each one. The Lord started to show me, without my trying to do anything on my own, that this child or that teen was like Him in certain aspects, and I could treat that patient as one of my “favorite” patients.

Many of the people that I come in contact with – for me this is especially the parents of my patients – are not only stressed but hurting. Bruised reeds. I have to be very careful not to injure them any more but to be like Jesus: “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench.” Is 42:3 and Mt 12:20.

Environment Where I work is important. It is better to be in a place with at least one other Christian to relate to.

Having a Bible or 2 in the waiting room as well as in patients’ rooms sets a tone along with Christian magazines and literature alongside secular magazines. Bulletin boards can notify readers about Bible studies and special events like “Hosanna”.

The Christian approach to sexuality must be reflected in the choice of handouts offered and books recommended for parents and teens. Focus on the Family has many “perfect” resources for both teens and parents.

Benefiting from Kingdom partners Coworkers are critical for all of us. If you want to start praying with some of the people you work with but don’t know how to start, go to Hospital Christian Fellowship . They have been around for 70 yrs and they can give you lots of seasoned wisdom on getting started with prayer, Bible studies and fellowship whether you are a clerk, janitor or nursing supervisor.

It is very easy for all of us to be critical of co-workers who “don’t know” what you think they should know or don’t act the way that someone with their responsibilities should respond. Don’t criticize but first you have to talk to the person involved yourself.

Encouragement is one of the chief things that we are called to do. Is 61:1-8 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly, to heal the brokenhearted. . . . to comfort all who mourn. . . to give them oil of gladness in place of mourning, a glorious mantle instead of a listless spirit. See also Luke 4: 16-18

Role models have been very important to be. I’ve been privileged to & inspired by working with Drs. Dan Heffernan, Win Fox, Ellen Gryniewicz, Phil Fleming, Chas. Leland, Deb Boyer & Dan and Lisa Benz.

I’ve learned a lot as well from nurses I’ve worked with: Becky Giszczak, Kathleen McCarren. Having been visibly surrounded by “so great a cloud of witnesses”, I know I have been in a privileged spot to see God working.

Acting in Jesus’ place Jesus never turned anyone away! How can I say ‘No, you don’t have insurance and I won’t see you’?

God has called us to be in special place in the lives of people who have needs. We are to be His vicars – His deputies, acting in His place and called to follow the Spirit’s leading in our touch on the image of God in each person.

Sources for more information (Christian Medical Dental Assoc) see their section on Prescribe a Resource a list of resources for patients struggling with various issues.